Mule Musiq's Toshiya Kawasaki opens new Tokyo listening bar, Studio Mule

Mule Musiq has launched a Tokyo listening bar called Studio Mule.

Sharing its name with the sub-label Mule established in 2017, Studio Mule opened as an 11-seat venue in Shibuya over the past weekend. According to label boss Toshiya Kawasaki, the bar is fitted out with high-end vintage hi-fi equipment including Klipsch speakers, a Mark Levinson amp and a Thorens turntable.

It’s also stocked with more than 1,000 natural wines which Kawasaki has been personally collecting since 2009, and it features a “very small record store which looks like a telephone box.”

Check out some photos of the space.

Studio Mule is open Monday through Saturday each week from 6 PM to midnight.

Revisit our 2016 feature Inside Tokyo’s audiophile venues.