koleżanka – “In A Meeting”koleżanka – “In A Meeting”

Kristina Moore, aka koleżanka, has been unveiling singles from her forthcoming album Place Is for a few months. First was the hypnotic “Vegan Sushi,” and then the folksy “7th St/7th Ave.” Today she’s back with “In A Meeting,” a groovier track layered with pretty harmonies and synths that unexpectedly culminate into a delightful whirlwind of sound.

Read what Moore said about the track:

“In a Meeting” is basically about social anxiety and how it operates like internal dialogue, imploring you to just go home instead of staying out in hopes things will feel “normal”. I want to feel close to people or allow myself to feel comfortable but I am often obstructed by being generally terrified and overwhelmed by even the simplest of interactions. I wanted to create a horror narrative in which the anxiety manifests itself into a doppelgänger that follows me to a bar and taunts me with my own desires of social ease and freedom. In addition, I wanted to convey the vulnerability of small rituals one has (ie standing in the shower, an outfit check, etc) before leaving their personal space to help them feel ready and confident, as well as the way anxiety creates an alternate world that everyone around you seems to be in on when often times most people are feeling just as weird as you and wondering if everyone else can see it.

Listen to “In A Meeting” below.

Place Is arrives 7/30 via Bar/None Records.