Temples guitarist Adam Smith unveils new solo project Foxette Moxy

Temples guitarist Adam Smith has announced details of new solo project Foxette Moxy, sharing first single ‘Medicine’ along with b-side ‘What’s Youth, Papa?’.

The new songs find Smith continuing to expand on the woozy, dreamy psychedelia of Temples.

“’Medicine’ is a song that follows a conversation between a doctor and their patient,” said Smith. “As a bit of a hypochondriac myself it seemed like a good subject to write about. It’s a soupy number with a silly guitar solo and is as much a soft poke at the pharmaceutical industry as it is a love song.”


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He continued: “’What’s Youth, Papa?’ was one of many experiments in using literary techniques as an approach to songwriting. The song takes its source material from Italo Calvino’s ‘Italian Folktales.’ It turned out sounding quite Syd Barrett-like, for better or worse.’

These songs were self-recorded in a range of locations, one of which being a haunted cottage in Rutland, and there are expected to be more Foxette Moxy releases in the near future.

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It is the first solo material from Smith, who joined Kettering psych rockers Temples in 2013, prior to the release of the band’s debut album ‘Sun Structures’ the following year.

Temples released ‘Exotico’, their fourth studio record, in April this year. Produced by Sean Ono Lennon, the album included the singles ‘Cicada‘ and ‘Gamma Rays‘.

Smith is not the first member of the band to embark on a solo career, as bassist T Walmsley released his debut solo EP ‘Viva Lost Wages’ in late 2022.