ADE Still Preparing for 2020 Event As Netherlands Calls for COVID-19 Vaccine

Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) is hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.

The annual dance conference and music festival is set to take place this October 21 – 25 and organizers are still preparing for the event. However, with the Netherlands’ recent decision to ban large-scale music events until there is a vaccine to fight the coronavirus (COVID-19), the reality is ADE may or may not happen as planned.

“The Amsterdam Dance Event will look different this year than usual,” according to a spokesperson. “How exactly, we can’t say that yet. So much is changing so fast right now.”

Last year, ADE reportedly attracted 400,000 visitors from 146 countries, which falls under the category of “massive events with a national appearance.” Moving forward, Minister Hugo de Jonge will only allow such an event to take place if there is a vaccine against COVID-19, more on that here.

Fingers crossed ADE will still take place in some capacity in 2020 — but safety first, of course.


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