Water From Your Eyes – “When You’re Around”Water From Your Eyes – “When You’re Around”

Water From Your Eyes, the Brooklyn duo made up of Nate Amos and Rachel Brown, announced their new album, Structure, last month with “‘Quotations,’” which landed on top of our best songs of the week list when it came out. Today, they’re back with a new track, “When You’re Around,” which is a significant departure from their last single and shows just how versatile this band can be. It’s a warped ’60s pop song, with sunny melodies buried underneath an unsettling gauziness.

“‘When You’re Around’ is the first ‘movie’ song on Structure,” Amos said of the track. “It was written for a karaoke scene that never came to fruition (I probably would’ve written something else if it had because I like this song too much).” He continued:

It was initially supposed to be a straight-forward love song but it gradually twisted and developed a weird sea-sick core. I was really obsessed with the album Climate Of Hunter by Scott Walker (still am) and I think that had a lot to do with it. Light on the outside, spooky on the inside. It serves as sort of separate but thematically related scene to set the tone for the rest of the album.”

Listen below.

Structure is out 8/27 via Wharf Cat. Pre-order it here.