The Callous Daoboys – “The Elephant Man In The Room”The Callous Daoboys – “The Elephant Man In The Room”

Next week, frantically bugged-out Atlanta metalcore experimenters the Callous Daoboys will release their new album Celebrity Therapist. I have heard it, and I can confirm that it is nuts. The Callous Daoboys’ style is a feverish herky-jerk attack that can be wacky and ferocious at the same time, which is quite a trick. We’ve already posted the early tracks “A Brief Article Regarding Time Loops” and “What Is Delicious? Who Swarms?” Today, they’ve dropped one last song before the album arrives.

The Callous Daoboys’ latest is called “The Elephant Man In The Room.” (Good day for records with titles that allude to Joseph Merrick.) It’s a wild ride of a track, full of splattery rage-outs and quietly blissed-out left turns. It’s got that unpredictable wild-hair-up-the-ass quality that reminds me of nothing so much as Mr. Bungle. In director Brett McCabe’s video, we get an intro about how thought is the enemy of God, and then the band members, some of whom have hoods over their heads, perform the song from a church pulpit. A choir helps out. It’s fun!

In a press release, frontman Carson Pace has this to say:

Is this a third cryptic press release? Nah man, this one is just straight over the plate rock music. The kind you find in your dad’s tape deck. Thin Lizzy, Lynyrd Skynyrd, that kinda deal. Hope this song makes it into Stranger Things so our parents will think we’re a real band.

Check out the video for “The Elephant Man In The Room” below.

Celebrity Therapist is out 9/2 on MNRK Heavy/Modern Static.