Ovlov, Speedy Ortiz & Grass is Green played Music Hall of Williamsburg (pics, setlist)

Old friends and former Exploding in Sound labelmates Ovlov, Grass is Green (who returned from hiatus last year), and Speedy Ortiz played a trio of East Coast shows together over the weekend, in Somerville, Brooklyn, and Philadelphia. Photographer Emilio Herce went to the Brooklyn show, which happened on Saturday (1/18) at Music Hall of Williamsburg, and also had Low Healer on the bill. See Emilio’s pictures below.

Ovlov brought out Grass is Green’s Devin McKnight for “Blue Baby,” and Speedy Ortiz’s Sadie Dupuis for a few songs, including “Where’s My Dini?,” “Grapes,” and “Chicken Coop,” which they played by request. They also had former Speedy Ortiz drummer Mike Falcone join them on “I Got Well.” See their setlist below.

Blue Baby (with Devin McKnight)
Baby Shea
The Great Alligator
Where’s My Dini? (with Sadie Dupuis)
Grapes (with Sadie Dupuis)
Short Morgan
The Wishing Well
Chicken Coop (with Sadie Dupuis)
Eat More
Land of Steve-O
I Got Well (with Mike Falcone and Theo)