NYC Gay Pride March 2024 in (NSFW) pics

Following the Drag March on Friday and the Dyke March on Saturday, the grande finale of Pride Month in NYC came with Heritage of Pride’s Pride March on Sunday. It was the 54th year for the enormous parade, which draws hundreds of thousands of revelers to the streets of Manhattan every year, and this year’s theme was “Reflect. Empower. Unite.”

Following the traditional moment of silence at noon, the Sirens MC led the procession (most elected officials came through earlier in the morning ahead of the rest of the people and floats, but Senator Chuck Schumer was part of the main march) which included, as usual, a lot of corporations, but also community groups, marching bands, sports teams, and more.

The proceeds were temporarily halted at one point in the afternoon when people protesting against the genocide in Palestine blocked the Human Rights Campaign float.

See pictures from the march (some are NSFW) by Amanda Hatfield below.

See pictures from the Dyke March HERE and the Drag March HERE.