JaySic X Castor & Pollux – Legends

JaySic X Castor & Pollux – Legends

72%Overall Score

• Striking vocals, very energized
• Familiar, attempt at innovative bassline
• A nostalgic release

It’s with great pleasure that I have come bearing a straight-from-the-roots banger from three familiar names – JaySic, Castor & Pollux. My praises are already out there regarding JaySic in previous reviews about his work in Intensity Recordings, meanwhile, the NYC-based duo have several underground releases on Seal Network and BODYWRMR and have remained consistently on my radar as artists to watch out for. And together, their moment is finally here!

Talking about this release on Revealed’s sub imprint BODYWRMR, “Legends” has been titled because of the pure Big Room prowess it puts on show. There is a captivating vocal that invigorates the climax, and a very robust lead, that yes, sounds extremely recognizable. Accompanying is a powerful bassline that is equipped with a modern twist on old-school mechanics. It’s something I have already heard from JaySic’s repertoire; for example, with overused elements presented in another way. The clash between the new and old is omnipresent in “Legends”, as it happens with this genre I love. Unfortunately, I got tired of its repetitive composition.

“Legends” performs as a powerful festival shaker with enough personality to deserve a review, especially when considering its basslines. It will make the core fans happy with nostalgia, for sure. A nice underground tune that I want to push… since it’s been a long time since I heard this style on Revealed.

You can listen to “Legends” here: