GoFundMes launched for 2 men seriously injured at Brooklyn hardcore show

GoFundMes have been launched to help fund the treatment of two people who say they were seriously injured at a recent hardcore show, the Brooklyn stop of the big Drain tour. One of them, Jake Cresser, writes that he “got hit by a stagediver, went unconscious and had a seizure” during Terror‘s set at Brooklyn Monarch on May 19. The incident can be seen in video footage from the show:

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Cresser writes that he was taken to the hospital where “a small bleed in the brain” was discovered, and continued in another comment, “one of the nurses told me there were 2 other people here from the show.”

The GoFundMe for Cresser, created by a friend, reads, “On Sunday, May 19th, my friend Jake was knocked unconscious and had a seizure while at a concert seeing his favorite bands. This accident caused a small amount of bleeding to form in his brain. Jake remains stable and well, and is expected to make a full recovery. Anything helps, and we appreciate everyone who has supported him during this time.” You can view it and donate here.

Another man, Andrei, was allegedly injured during Madball‘s set at the same show. A GoFundMe launched by his wife’s sister reads:

Last night, our family faced a terrifying ordeal when my sister’s husband, Andrei, was involved in a serious accident. The impact caused him to suffer severe head injuries with 30 stitches on his forehead and 15 on his chin, leading to emergency surgery to save his life. His skull had to be opened to relieve pressure on his brain. The surgery was successful, but Andrei remains unconscious in the ICU. He faces a long road to recovery ahead. His skull will not be closed off for the next 3 months to keep relieving the pressure. With Andrei unable to work during this time, the financial strain on my sister is immense. Medical bills are piling up, adding to the stress of an already difficult situation. We’re reaching out to our community for support. Your donation, no matter the amount, will make a difference in helping Andrei and my sister through this challenging time. Thank you for your kindness and generosity as we navigate this journey together. Warm regards, Katya Grishanova and Iullia’s Shpileva

An update posted last week reads, “The first surgery was successful, no more artificial lung ventilation, he is conscious. Stable. Weak. One more surgery ahead.”

Drain headlined the Brooklyn Monarch show on May 19, and also performing were Madball, Terror, Scowl, Regulate, End It, Trail of Lies, and Private Mind. Drain also played Bowery Ballroom the next night.