Death Valley Girls – “It’s All Really Kind Of Amazing”Death Valley Girls – “It’s All Really Kind Of Amazing”

Last year, Death Valley Girls, the psychedelic garage rock group from Los Angeles, released Under the Spell Of Joy, an album that veered all over the aesthetic map. That record sounded like what might happen if Stereolab and Thee Headcoatees went on a peyote voyage while listening to obscure ’70s funk together, and it ruled. Today, Death Valley Girls are back with a new single that’s more of a straightforward rocker. It also rules.

“It’s All Really Kind Of Amazing” is a sort of utopian dream-rocker about realizing that the universe has aligned for you: “Cosmic giggles and deja vu/ Synchronicities surrounding you.” The band expresses that wonder through reverb-drenched riffage and shimmery harmonies. Listen to the song below.

In a press release, Death Valley Girls frontwoman Bonnie Bloomgarden says:

Being in a body, experiencing reality as a human, is endlessly challenging. There’s so much darkness, suffering, sorrow, and division, it’s hard to get past. Sometimes, and often for too long, I just stay in the darkness, forgetting there’s anything else. And then sometimes, my guides remind me to look around, sometimes, just look around, at this Earth, at its infinite beauty and intricacy, and simplicity, and sometimes I can feel it, that it’s all really kind of amazing.

“It’s All Really Kind Of Amazing” is out now on Suicide Squeeze, and Death Valley Girls will soon head out on tour with …And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead.