Conducta's Kiwi Rekords cuts ties with Mind Of A Dragon over sexual assault allegations

Conducta‘s Kiwi Rekords has cut all ties with UK artist Mind Of A Dragon following allegations of sexual assault.

On June 23rd, a Twitter user called @afullix posted a detailed description of an alleged sexual assault by MOAD, real name Grant Dragon, in the back of a taxi in August 2019. According to her, Dragon denied everything to the police and the case was eventually closed due to lack of evidence. This tweet prompted two labels, NM Recordings and Slime Recordings, to delete Dragon’s music from their back catalogues.

The following day, another allegation surfaced via Twitter, detailing a similar experience. Several hours later, Conducta posted a statement cutting all ties with Dragon and confirming his music had been deleted from Kiwi Records. Vex Records and music platform Keep Hush also distanced themselves from the UK artist.

The second allegation references a denial by Dragon to the initial allegation, though he has since deleted his social media accounts. Resident Advisor has contacted Dragon for comment.