Donald Trump mocked for "absolute irony" of playing 'Fortunate Son' at rally

Donald Trump has been widely mocked after playing Creedence Clearwater Revival‘s ‘Fortunate Son’ when arriving at a campaign rally in Michigan.

The 1969 track was released at the height of the Vietnam war and offers a scathing take on military deferments and the safe positions that were offered to well-connected individuals at a time when millions of Americans were being drafted to the front line.

Singer John Fogerty previously said of the track: “The song speaks more to the unfairness of class than war itself. It’s the old saying about rich men making war and poor men having to fight them.”

But there is a certain irony in Trump playing the track as he arrived on Thursday evening (September 10), given his dubious association with the conflict.

Trump was originally deemed medically fit for military service in July 1968, after the last of four consecutive student deferments came to an end.

But only two months later, he received a medical deferment for unspecified reasons. It which was made permanent some 4 years later – with Trump claiming to have been diagnosed with bone spurs.

However, the diagnosis has been repeatedly questioned over the years – with Trump failing to provide concrete proof and repeatedly forgetting on which foot he experienced the condition.

Sharing footage of the President’s arrival, journalist Dave Weigel wrote: “Fortunate Son plays as Trump de-planes, an entry for the “nobody listened to the lyrics” hall of fame.”

Another wrote: “I mean, the absolute irony of playing CCR’s ‘Fortunate Son’ for a rich privileged white guy who got out of the VIETNAM WAR by faking a medical condition with his daddy’s money… I got nothing, man.”

It was also suggested that the person in charge of soundtracking the rally may have been trolling the president.

“John Fogerty wrote ‘Fortunate Son’ about rich kids getting deferments from serving in Vietnam. Whoever picked this music is trolling Trump – he is just too dumb to know it,” they wrote.

The unfortunate choice comes a week after Trump was accused of disrespecting the US military.

According to reports from The Atlantic, he described America’s war dead as “losers” and “suckers”.

Yesterday, he was also called out by Snoop Dogg for “disrespecting every colour in the world”.