Clubs in Ibiza will be allowed to reopen next week

Clubs in Ibiza will be permitted to reopen next week with some restrictions, with the Balearic government confirming that October 8 will mark the return of nightspots on the Spanish island following a ruling by the Consell de Govern Balearics.

As DJ Mag reports, Clubs on the White Isle will be required to adhere to conditions such as partygoers needing to show proof they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to be granted entry, a capacity limit of 75 per cent and the mandatory wearing of masks.

Other rules in place for venues come October 8 include social distancing of two metres between patrons while on the dancefloor, the consumption of beverages permitted only while seated at a table, and a curfew of 5AM. Limitations on tables will be removed as part of the eased restrictions.

“The responsibility we have from now on has been demonstrated,” commented Ocio de Ibiza Lesiure Manager José Luis Benítez in a statement regarding the news. “We are going to ask our partners and clients for more responsibility so that they do not take any step backward.”

The new rules come after Ibiza lifted some restrictions on night-time events earlier this month, allowing social gatherings between 2AM and 6AM, and restaurants and bars to seat eight people to a table indoors and 12 outdoors.