Cardi B says Selena Gomez needs “one more era” before retiring

Cardi B has urged Selena Gomez not to retire from music, saying she “makes good music and her fans love her”.

The comments come after Gomez stated this week that she’s considering giving up music, saying: “What’s the point?”

Speaking to Vogue, Gomez said: “It’s hard to keep doing music when people don’t necessarily take you seriously. I’ve had moments where I’ve been like, ‘What’s the point? Why do I keep doing this?’

“‘Lose You to Love Me’ I felt was the best song I’ve ever released, and for some people it still wasn’t enough.”

While saying she’s “so thankful” for her fans, she added: “I think the next time I do an album it’ll be different. I want to give it one last try before I maybe retire music.”

Responding to the quotes in a series of tweets, Cardi wrote: “I don’t think Selena should retire. She makes good music & her fans love her.

“I think she needs one more Era. A edgy one that no one ever seen her as .I would love to give her some ideas.”

Going on to call Gomez “such a sweetheart in person,” Cardi added: “Us celebs get picked apart all the time but she is just to sweet to go thru that. If she wants to leave ,leave cause you want too not cause of these f–kers.”

She then added that Gomez needs a “bad bitch era,” writing: “A bitch I’m nice sweet girl but I’m a rich bad bitch too”.

Selana Gomez released her first Spanish-language album today (March 12), titled ‘Revelación’. Reviewing the EP, NME wrote: “When ‘Revelación’ was first announced, Gomez teased fans about its release, sharing a decade-old Tweet that read, “Can’t wait for y’all to hear the Spanish record… it’s sounding so cool,” with the added caption: “I think it will be worth the wait.” With ‘Revelación’, you can’t help but agree with her.