Christian Locke Rises Above on the Confident Stance of ‘Look at Me Now’

Full of self-assurance, Christian Locke charts the journey towards belief in oneself on the life-affirming “Look at Me Now.” A spry sensibility keeps things relatively expected. The blend of the tender with the intense rush of power that comes in on those minor releases of tension has a universal appeal. When those eventual bursts from the calm do come, they virtually beg the song to be played at the loudest possible volume to experience the intoxicating aura of his skill on the guitar as it shreds on through and breaks out in mad dashes for the sky.

The volume starts small. The steady buildup of the work feels poignant to experience. The acoustic guitar gently glides through. He throws the listener off a little bit, for it brings a forlorn message. From this point, though, he turns the idea on its head. Word choice further expresses this, for when the song’s groove gains strength and muscle, it is a moral victory. Back and forth happens between these quiet and loud moments. Only towards the song’s latter half does the tide appear to turn completely. At the very last stretch, he ultimately allows the rhythm to break down into a million shards making sure it has this crystal clarity about its mission.

With the help of songwriter and musician Bri Tolani, Christian Locke proves himself to be a brilliant lyricist, having the verses perfectly complement the rising action of “Look at Me Now.”