Upper Wilds – “Jupiter” & “10’9″”

The Brooklyn trio Upper Wilds — which includes producer Dan Friel in its ranks — have announced a new album, Jupiter, the third in a series of LPs named after planets, which started with Mars in 2018 and continued with Venus two years later. The band — which also includes drummer Jeff Ottenbacher and bassist Jason Binnick — recorded the album at Serious Business in Brooklyn with Travis Harrison. Today, they’re sharing two songs to preview the album, the title track and “10’9″.” Check them both out below.

01 “Greetings”
02 “Permanent Storm”
03 “Drifters”
04 “Short Centuries”
05 “10’9″”
06 “Jupiter”
07 “Voyager”
08 “Infinity Drama”
09 “Books About UFOs”
10 “Radio To Forever”
11 “Cerberrat”

Jupiter is out 7/21 via Thrill Jockey. Pre-order it here.