Stephen Steinbrink – “Pony”

Later this week, Stephen Steinbrink is releasing a new album, Disappearing Coin, his follow-up to 2018’s Utopia Teased. He’s shared “Opalescent Ribbon,” “Cruiser,” and “Poured Back In The Stream” from it so far, and today the Oakland musician has got one more for us: “Pony.”

“‘Pony” was recorded at Tiny Telephone in Oakland by Adam Hirsch, and features my friend and longterm collaborator Andrew Dorsett on drum kit, hammond organ, piano, and vibraphone,” Steinbrink noted. “I later animated the illustrated video by hand, matching the feeling to the song’s lyrical concept about of the often hilarious chaotic web of cause and effect. I didn’t set out with a narrative plan for the video and instead just let the story take shape on its own— I was pleasantly surprised to discover that it wanted to tell a tale of interplanetary animal liberation catalyzed by a lemon-lime flavored beverage for dogs.”

Watch and listen below.

Disappearing Coin is out 8/18 via Western Vinyl.