Gel – “Honed Blade”

Next month, New Jersey hardcore punk freaks Gel will release Only Constant. That’s fucking awesome. Gel have already proven themselves as an intense, fervent live act, and they’ve released a bunch of EPs and stray tracks. The world is ready for that album, even if the album is only 16 minutes long. We’ve already posted first single “Attainable,” and it rules. Now, Gel have shared another new song. This one has the very good title “Honed Blade,” and it also rules.

“Honed Blade” is a seething, guttural rager that’s less than two minutes long. I’m not sure what Sami Kaiser’s lyrics are about, but I do know that their guttural ad-lib just before the drums kick in — “Ha! Ha!” — make me want to put my head through a wall, in the good way. Gel shot the “Honed Blade” video with director Carlisle Jones, and it’s just them ripping though the song at the Alabama venue and studio Lawnchair Youth. Check it out below.

Only Constant
is out 3/31 on Convulse Records. Pre-order it here.