Death Valley Girls – “I Am A Wave”

Earlier this year, the perpetually underrated Los Angeles psychedelic pop group Death Vally Girls released Islands In The Sky, the album that is currently sitting on top of my record player. It sounds like Thee Heatcoatees animorphing into Stereolab, and it’s awesome. Today, the band announces plans to tour Europe and Mexico, and they’ve dropped another song on us.

“I Am A Wave” is a woozy, misty rocker that’s got sustain all over everything, and it builds up to a raging climax that sounds like a moment of personal revelation. On the subject of the song, bandleader Bonnie Bloomgarden has this to say:

This song is for anyone that has had a hard time making decisions or following their gut!

I linger in indecision and get stuck in the muck of options, weighing every single dynamic except “how does this make me feel.” Sometimes it’s from fear of imperfection, but always it’s from self-doubt, not trusting my instinct, or letting my intuition be my guide.

I’ve learned a lot from spiritual people lately. Pagans and witches, calling in the elements. I imagine it’s similar to asking Jesus, a saint, an ancestor, to help for guidance.

For me, this song is like a meditation or a prayer. To become a wave. To not want to turn in, quit, and become small or unseen, but to flow and grow. Become part of the flow!!

Below, listen to “I Am A Wave” and check out Death Valley Girls’ tour dates.

8/10 – Porto, Portugal @ Sonic Blast
8/13 – Martigny, Sweden @ Palp Fest
8/15 – Nijmegen, Netherlands @ Merleyn
8/16 – Berlin, Germany @ Kantin Am Berghain
8/17 – Hamburg, Germany @ Molotow
8/18 – Montesquiou, France @ On The Rocks
8/20 – Charleville-Mézières, France @ Cabaret Vert
8/22 – Bordeaux, France @ Square Dom Bedos
8/23 – Biarritz, France @ Atabal
8/25 – Dijon, France @ Lalalib
9/01-02 West Palm Beach, FL @ Bumblefest
9/17 – Los Angeles, CA @ Lodge Room (Witching Hours 10th Anniversary Party)
10/13 – Mexico City, Mexico @ Asiste o Muere, Anticlub House
10/14 – Queretaro, Mexico @ Hércules Brewery
10/15 – Leon Guanajuato, Mexico @ Rey Compadre Forum
10/20 – Guadalajara, Mexico @ TBA
10/21 – Mexicali, Mexico @ Intermedio Cross Border Festival
10/30 – San Francisco, CA @ Psyched Radio Fest
11/03 – Seattle, WA @ Freakout Fest
11/26 – Melbourne, Australia @ The Croxton Bandroom (Psych Out!)

Islands In The Sky and “I Am A Wave” are both out now on Suicide Squeeze.