Panda Bear's Sydney Opera House 2018 performance to receive live-stream premiere | NME

Panda Bear’s intimate performance at the Sydney Opera House’s live studio in 2018 will be premiered today (April 10) on live-stream.

The performance was Panda Bear’s – real name Noah Lennox – Australian debut. The live-stream is part of the Sydney Opera House’s “Digital Season”, featuring a weekly program of full-length performances, live recordings and unreleased footage from the Opera House archives, during closure due to the coronavirus pandemic

Lennox’s live-stream will kick off at 10:00am GMT/8:00PM AEST. You can watch it below:

Packaged with the new concert footage is an interview with Lennox and the Sydney Opera House’s head of contemporary music Ben Marshall from last year. Lennox spoke about his hesitant approach to performing solo, after decades with Baltimore experimentalists Animal Collective.

“It’s a bit more terrifying to me, but I do like it, yeah,” he said.

“I just don’t feel like I’m much of a performer, and I like how [a DJ stage] of equates everybody, makes it, brings everybody to the same place. I feel like that’s what I’m going for with the performance. I don’t really dig the like pedestal aspect of performance so much.”

Lennox released his last album as Panda Bear in 2019, entitled ‘Buoys’. NME gave it three stars, and said Lennox had emerged as “a pop-focused artist with an ear for the absurd”.