Heriot – “Demure”

Heriot are theoretically a hardcore band, the same way Code Orange and Vein.fm and Jesus Piece are hardcore bands — that is, they sound a whole hell of a lot like a metal band, even a nu-metal band at times. Their instruments tuned so low that each power chord sounds like an entire city block being ripped from the earth, electronic clatter abounds, and vocalist Debbie Gough can sound demonic on many frequencies. Their Twitter handle is even @heriotmetal, so maybe the distinction is moot.

Today the UK group is following up last year’s sick Profound Morality EP with a new song called “Demure.” It’s a slow crawl through some very dark terrain, at least until it goes racing off in terror midway through. Gough has this to say about it:

“Demure” depicts the conflict of remaining integral in a world overwhelmed by scrutiny. It sheds light on the loss of being an individual while attempting the unattainable pursuit of neutrality. This is the first new music released since our debut EP, Profound Morality, and opens a new era for HERIOT which we are very excited to begin!

Watch director Harry Steel’s video for “Demure” below.