Weakened Friends – “Tunnels”Weakened Friends – “Tunnels”

Next month, Portland, Maine indie-rock crew Weakened Friends will release sophomore LP Quitter. So far, we’ve heard the title track, and now the band’s back with another new single, “Tunnels.”

“‘Tunnels’ is a portrait of the paranoid spiral that follows when you’re hurt by someone you’ve let get close to you, complete with self-deprecation and closed off self-defense,” the band describes. “There is a self-awareness to the track, with an early verse requesting ‘everything I said, chock it up to a broken heart,’ and in the context of that broken heart it’s easy to understand lines like ‘world’s a fucking mess, I’m obnoxious and I hate myself.’ ‘Tunnels’ turns this visceral pain into haunting verses and anthemic choruses, even if it is ‘just to get something out.’”

Listen to “Tunnels” below.

Quitter is out 11/19 on Don Giovanni.