Ted Nugent claims systemic racism has been “fixed” in the US

Ted Nugent claims that systemic racism does not exist in the US.

In a new video posted by the conservative rocker and his wife Shemane, he described “systemic racism” as a “lie”.

“There is no systemic racism. It’s a lie. There isn’t any systemic racism. We fixed that. It’s 2021, and there’s no white supremacy,” he said.

“It’s not a threat. White supremacists haven’t burned down Seattle or Portland. They didn’t burn down Kenosha. They didn’t burn down Minneapolis.”

Nugent went on to claim Black Lives Matter, Antifa and Democrat supporters were instead responsible, adding: “Those were so-called Black Lives Matter terrorists and Antifa and Democrat supporters who hate America, hate God, hate family, hate freedom, hate the Constitution, hate the Bill Of Rights, hate hard-working Americans.

“They are the terrorists. Black Lives Matter, Antifa – those are the terrorists. They burn down cities and destroy things. There are no white supremacists doing that. There might be a couple of dirt bag white supremacists out there, but they’re virtually inconsequential. It’s bullshit.”

Nugent also complained about former US president Donald Trump‘s ban being upheld by Facebook yesterday (May 5) and said: “Be careful of the propaganda ministry and the censorship of Big Tech, who literally censors the president of the United States.

“Not this goofball [Joe Biden] in the White House now, but Donald Trump. And they suppress Shemane and I because we stand up for God, family, country, Constitution, Bill Of Rights, the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule, the Declaration Of Independence, life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, and law and order.”

His comments come just weeks after Nugent responded to previous allegations of racism, denying the claims and calling himself “the anti-racist”.

He has previously attracted severe criticism over his alleged racist views over the years.

In 2014, he called then-president Barack Obama a “subhuman mongrel” before apologising for the comment, while in a 1990 interview with the Detroit Free Press, he spoke of apartheid in South Africa, saying: “Apartheid isn’t that cut-and-dry. All men are not created equal.”

Earlier this year, Rage Against The Machine guitarist Tom Morello faced criticism based upon his friendship with Nugent.

Meanwhile, it was recently revealed that Nugent tested positive for coronavirus last month one week after performing maskless at an event in Florida.