Jasmine Infiniti, Loraine James appear on Awesome Aid compilation

Awesome Agency has put together a compilation called Awesome Aid.

The album is meant to support the agency’s artist roster at a time when all their tour plans and gigs have been cancelled. Proceeds from the sales will go directly to the artists. Among those featured are Jasmine Infiniti—who just released the RA-recommended album BXTCH SLÄPLoraine James, Rosa Pistola, Traxman, IVVVO, Dasychira and more.

Listen to Awesome Aid, and check it out on Bandcamp.

Listen back to Rosa Pistola’s recent RA Podcast.

01. x/o – Blade

02. Wasted Fates – Rainbow Road (MK Ultra)

03. Lila Tirando a Violeta – Lazarus feat. Chants

04. Rosa Pistola – Guayame

05. Loraine James – 5

06. Manuka Honey & Estoc – Morningstar

07. IVVVO – Sharpest Face

08. Jasmine Infiniti – DOG NEEDS (ReSet)

09. Blackwater Hardware – Scorch

10. Traxman – Rumba Boogie

11. Dasychira – dDream

12. Ultrademon – Turbid Orisons

Awesome Aid is out now.